Lucy Burrows


Lucy grew up Batemans Bay on the south coast of NSW and didn’t have an agricultural background but decided she was interested in environmental science and sustainability leading her to study a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture at the University of Sydney which has only allowed her to grow a tremendous passion for agriculture. Currently, Lucy is working as a Relationship Analyst at Rabobank in Esperance WA, previously worked as an Extension and Development Agronomist at Cotton Seed Distributors. Lucy founded Get Agducated in 2019 to be able to show people where their food and fibre come from and the people, processes and jobs behind it all. Really want to bridge the gap between the city and the country so people have a better understanding of agriculture and may consider agricultural careers as a good pathway for them.  Lucy is keen on working to grow Get Agducated further to reach as many people as possible to be a really influencing part of that conversation bridging the divide.

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Ell Fordyce


Sarah Nolet