Wes Lefroy

Wes Lefroy ( T: @wlefroy4) is an Agricultural Researcher, Public Speaker, Podcaster and member of Rabobank’s global Food & Agri Research team, RaboResearch. To date his work has been centred on Agricultural Land markets and the Farm Inputs sector, which includes Fertilisers, Agrochemicals, Agtechnology and Seed.

His job is to capture the complexities of the market, and translate them into actionable insights, whether it be in the form of a complete strategic review for a corporate client, a kitchen table conversation with a farmer or a widely released research paper.

As a farmer’s son he has always been passionate about agriculture and how we can produce more efficiently. Wanting to broaden and deepen my knowledge of the Agricultural sector, in 2019 he completed a master of Agribusiness whereupon completion, he was awarded Dux of hiscohort.

Wes is currently resides in Sydney and is excited for the future as he continues his journey with RABO.


Brenden Lydford


Tom and Riley Curnow