Stephanie Hennings

Stephanie Hennings (IG: @stephaniehennings_), hailing from Camden, NSW, grew up on a family-owned Angus Cattle Farm, exhibiting cattle from a young age. Pursuing her passion, she studied a Bachelor of Agriculture/Bachelor of Business at UNE, where her interest in cattle production deepened. Stephanie seized an opportunity for a University exchange program at Purdue University in the USA, attending the World Dairy Expo, touring beef and dairy farms, and learning from industry experts. As a recipient of the 2021 Agrifutures Horizon Scholarship (sponsored by Dairy Australia), she attended industry conferences, farm placements, and international dairy study tours. Currently, she works at The a2 Milk Company, connecting their farms to the business. Inspired by those around her, Stephanie seeks to continually learn, embracing challenges and making a lasting impact on the agriculture industry, particularly in dairy. Her dedication, curiosity, and commitment promise a bright future as she contributes to the sector's growth and transformation.


Jock Binnie


Max Nell & Ripley Atkinson