Sally Murfet

Sally is a farmers' daughter with red dirt running through her veins. Proudly Tasmanian born and bred with a national awareness of the Australian agricultural sector. 

With more than 20 years' experience working on-farm and with agribusiness companies, She has an innate understanding of what makes ag businesses tick, from the paddock to the boardroom. 

She learnt early in my career that bosses who don't value people, spend an unreasonable amount of time managing performance or problematic behaviour. From personal experience, I can tell you that a good boss lights a fire inside people, not under them. 

As a HR strategist, project manager, facilitator and thought leader specialising in the agri sector, She has made a career out of helping clients turn their visions into reality. 

She has an unshakeable belief that people power agriculture She is committed to supporting the agri sector to build better, stronger and more profitable businesses through its people.


Hugh Dawson


Kaitlin Trebley