Rebecca Bennett

Rebecca Bennett is a passionate and devoted self-proclaimed Beefatarian with knowledge, connection and experience across the beef supply chain. She has a deep family connections to agriculture have developed a loved of the land and all it produces. Cattle handling from a young age sparked a love of beef and the curiosity to find out absolutely everything about it.

Bec is currently working as a Project Officer for ACC, managing a diverse portfolio of research, development and innovation projects. She also has extended involvement in many areas of the agricultural industry, including being the Australian Oceania representative on the Young IFAMA Board, coaching UQ in Intercollegiate Meat Judging and being an MLA Red Meat Ambassador.

Bec is a qualified MSA grader and operations professional studying a Graduate Certificate in Agribusiness following the completion of a Bachelor in Agriculture and Bachelor of Business from the University of New England.


Anna Brand


Lachlan White