Paris Capell

Paris Capell (L: Paris Capell) is a passionate young agricultural professional dedicated to shaping the future of sustainable farming. Born and raised in the heart of the Central Tablelands of NSW, Paris's journey into agriculture began as a fascination into the effects of drought and flood on the land.

After earning studying environmental science, and then a Masters of Science in Agricultural Innovation at ANU, Paris first returned home to work at a carbon farming start up. Paris now works at NSW DPI, assessing what crops and livestock will be most vulnerable to climate change and modelling what climate change adaptations will be effective.

In her spare time, she is Secretary of Central West Young Aggies, loves working with the Country to Canberra team, and helps out with the Orange Show Society. She believes in building networks for young people in regional areas, and hopes to provide young people in agriculture with development opportunities.


Jackie Elliott


Dan Toohey