David Egerton-Warburton

David Egerton-Warburton (T: @dewmg) is the CEO of Mastergroup who are better known for their very popular agricultural financial software, Agrimaster.
David is a 6th generation farmer and a 2nd generation software developer. He graduated from Muresk Institute for Agriculture with a Bachelor of Business in Agriculture before spending the next 8 years managing the family farm business. In 2000 David, his wife Natalie and his father Kent formed the specialist software company Agrimaster.

David’s mission with Agrimaster is to empower farmers to be successful farm businesses whilst meeting the food needs of the planet. His career today poses a unique challenge; navigating the evolution of a 39-year-old software to remain accessible to rural farm businesses with poor to no internet whilst catering for the demand of online, tech savvy users.


Elle Moyle


Emma Moss