Anika Molesworth

Anika Molesworth (T: @AnikaMolesworth) is a farmer, a scientist and a storyteller of a better future.  She was born in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. During her childhood, her parents made the decision to purchase a sheep station near Broken Hill, where Anika was exposed to Agriculture for the first time.

Anika is passionate about resilient rural communities and healthy ecosystems, and she is committed to helping create a sustainable food system. She has a PhD in agriculture and environmental management, She speaks and writes on farming systems of the future, and she strives to design a world where everyone is food secure.

She has won a variety of awards, including Young Farmer of the Year, NSW Young Achiever for Environment and Sustainability, as well as Green Globe Awards Young Sustainability Champion, to name a few. Currently, she sits on the Board of Directors of Farmers for Climate Action, the NSW committee of the Crawford Fund, and is a Governor of WWF-Australia. Most recently, Anika wrote ‘Our Sunburnt Country’, which focused on the Millennium Drought from the causes of - and the solutions to - the extreme weather that was killing her land and her livelihood, Anika became fired up and determined to speak out.


Georgia Gorham


Brett Hosking