Amy Kirke

Amy Kirke (IG:@therealamyshark_ OR @sciencetotally) is a marine biologist and fisheries scientist from Darwin, NT who is passionate about marine invertebrates and large marine fish. Her motivation to pursue a career in research particularly in tropical areas, were confirmed whilst studying a summer unit in Coral Bay, WA which is situated on Ningaloo Reef. In particular she is interested in studying shark biology and ecology, and how this information can be used for fisheries management and animal conservation.

Amy is exceptionally passionate about outreach and the Rural Women’s Award helped her turn this passion into a reality and she developed a program targeted at rural and remote schools in the NT. The aim of this program to educate the public about simple fisheries management practices and to learn from people what they know and how they look after the ecosystems they live in or their own country. Amy has turned her outreach into a reality by winning the Agrifutures Rural Women’s Award for the Northern Territory 2020. This has allowed Amy to launch her science outreach project in rural and remote communities of the Northern Territory.


Malkah Lara-Muckenschnabl


Matt Anderson